Education Beyond Borders

Is Global Teacher Collaboration Possible? Keynote address...

Event Details

Is Global Teacher Collaboration Possible? Keynote address...

Time: November 18, 2010 from 1pm to 2pm
Location: online see link below
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Event Type: keynote, address
Organized By: Noble Kelly
Latest Activity: Nov 28, 2010

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Event Description

Keynote by EBB president, Noble Kelly.
Is Global Teacher Collaboration Possible? Not only is it possible--it is a must! Intelligence is equitable throughout the world but the global education divide exists due to a lack of access to information and educational strategies. Through our work, we see the emphasis placed on supporting education in developing regions with the building of schools and the supplying of things and little is done to support teacher professional development. Though "things" are desirable, learning can still exist without them but cannot occur without the presence of a motivated, engaging and committed teacher. For us, education is a collaborative effort lasting a lifetime; our learning model is designed to connect global "best practices" to those - at the local level - who can build their capacity and, in so doing, change their communities. It is through this approach that we hope to connect teachers and schools for a continued and sustained relationship--enabling teachers and students to grow together through shared experiences and global education. We will discuss how collaboration will create a win-win scenario to support global perspectives and close the education divide and why it is crucial despite the obstacles.

18:00 GMT

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Comment by Angule Gabriel on November 18, 2010 at 14:11
Our iEARN Kenya as a registered NGO in Kenya that is also a consortium of iEARN International that is in 130 countries of the world.


IEARN, as an international Non-Governmental Organisation, promotes cooperation and collaboration of youth in solving of challenges experienced from local to international levels.

The youth under the guidance of adult mentors, teachers and other positive minded education administrators learn cooperatively by working together with counterparts from other parts of the world on common projects seeking solutions to local or international challenges such as ignorance, peace, human rights and environmental issues.

In this programme, students are provided with opportunities to acquire skills in research, critical thinking, team work, leadership, understanding others and fostering partnerships as well as 21st century technical approaches that extend beyond mere digital literacy skills and e-learning to higher level skills that make them employable (Productivity skills).

The youth collaborate through messages sent over the internet or other relevant technological channels of communication. The climax of this virtual interaction is the annual face to face conference of educators and educators which is held annually. In the year 2011 (Next year), the conference shall be in held in Taiwan

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