Education Beyond Borders

April 2010
at The Asian University for Women ( based in Chittagong, Bangladesh

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This is not a particular job notice, but rather a piece of advice for those interested in going overseas to work in development ed:
If you work at an international school in a developing nation you usually have access to some significant community-based education projects in your free time - and you have reasonable amounts of free time! The schools are usually in the capital cities and the jobs are pretty standard teaching gigs though they do often have their special challenges. There are good projects close to home, also in the capital cities, but there are also exciting opportunites to work with national students, parents and colleagues in the country-side.

I have seen this type of thing first hand in Bolivia, Sudan and now in DR Congo. I have worked in these countries as a teacher/administrator in international schools and have had the opportunity to start some exciting projects in my "spare" time. If you think you might be interested in following up on this, and especially if you are a MS/HS math or science teacher interested in either Sudan or the Democratic Republic of Congo, drop me a line. (Use e-mail: bwaugh(at)


I just wanted to add a couple of quick updates to my previous post:

1) I will be moving on to an administrative post at the Lincoln School in Kathmandu, Nepal in August, so if you are interested in international education at an international school in a country that also offers opportunities for development ed work, please contact me.

2) Since I will be leaving my current teaching post at TASOK in DR Congo that school is looking for someone able to teach Physics and Calculus at the Advanced Placement level. 

In general, this is the time of year for anyone looking for this kind of work.  If you live near Kingston you may want to check out the Queen's Overseas Recruiting Fair.


Feel free to contact me. (Use e-mail: bwaugh(at)



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