Education Beyond Borders

Piracy has become an issue in both developed and developing countries, so there is a need to protect our programmers, musician and other industrious people against this.
Am hoping to receive your views and opinions

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Just like theft, those who want to pirate files will pirate them no matter how many deterrents there are. It is a matter of teaching right from wrong. What I usually tell my students is that crime usually starts small (cheating, piracy, etc.) because it is easy to get away with it and human nature will cause some people to up the stakes. Eventually they do something major and then get caught. So like gambling, they get somewhat addicted to piracy and think just because everyone is doing it then it is okay. Somehow you have to make the consequences hit home--it has to affect them personally.

This matter is related to poverty and status too. Piracy implies quick money, instant jobs and access to the most fashionable things. If music, designer clothes, books, movies, ink catridges and software were affordable and we (teachers and parents) actually set the example, everybody would respect intellectual property and copyright.

I come from Venezuela and piracy is all over. There are shops (even in fashionable malls) where you can get pirated DVDs, video games and books. Globalisation means instant gratification! We need to give our students time and guidance, in order to get high quality homework back instead of cut-and-paste stuff. We need to promote responsible research!



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