Education Beyond Borders

5 Ways Military Personnel Can Further Their Education While in the Service

You don't have to give up your dreams of a degree because you've joined the military. In fact, there are many academic programs and educational opportunities that were made with soldiers in mind. Here are just five paths that you can take to obtain a degree while you're in the service. 

Military Educational Programs

 Each branch of the military has a way to help their soldiers further their education. With the Army, it's the Army Continuing Education System (ACES). With the Navy, it's the Navy College-at-Sea Program (NCPACE). These programs are specifically designed to be flexible and affordable for soldiers, so you won't have to worry about your education getting in the way of your service. 

Traditional Classes

 This is one of the easiest ways to get your degree while serving in the military. If you find a college that offers classes on or near your base, you can attend lectures and scribble notes like a typical university student. This is also an option for reservists or those still training or waiting to be deployed. 

Satellite Campuses

 There are five colleges that offer satellite classes for military personnel in Europe and the Middle East. Even if you've been sent overseas, you can still attend classes and work on your degree. They aren't limited to military subjects, either; degree programs range from automotive mechanics to anthropology. 

Online Programs

 It isn't difficult to find an online university for military students. Many brick-and-mortar colleges have online programs that are identical to their real-world programs, so you won't be compromising the quality of your education if you opt for a digital degree. You'll just be reading e-books instead of regular textbooks, and you'll be submitting all of your homework on your laptop. 

Credit for Military Experience

 Some universities offer college credit for military experience and training. If you don't have the time or resources to sign up for a classroom-based education, you might enroll in a military program that you know will eventually count towards your degree. You might also use these programs to round out a degree that's missing a few credits before you can graduate. 

As a soldier, your path to a degree might be a little different than the everyday individual. As long as you plan ahead and make smart choices, it doesn't have to be any more difficult or stressful. Use these tips to further your education while also serving your country.

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